Farewell from Dr. Goldblum

I am saddened to announce that I will be leaving Indian Walk. An opportunity was presented to me that I just can’t turn down. It is the right choice for me at this time in my life to follow a different path. I will say that it’s the hardest decision I have ever had to make and struggled with it deeply. While I don’t know what the future holds, I need to explore it to find out.
Indian Walk has been my work home for the last 17 years, the entirety of my career as a veterinarian. I learned a lot about how to be a good veterinarian, both technically and with client communication. There have been many events and people from Indian Walk over the years that have made such a strong impression on me that I will never forget. Being here for so many years, I got to follow many pets through their entire lives, something so special. For the clients and pets that I have been seeing, I have put in detailed reports into your charts. I am leaving you in the very capable hands of Dr. Comings and Dr. Decker. They are wonderful vets and will take excellent care of your beloved pets.
I will always hold Indian Walk Veterinary Center in high regards and wish the staff, clients, and pets continued success in the future.
Robin Goldblum, DVM